Create AsyncAPI document for applications consuming from Kafka

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In this tutorial, you will create a schema document for Kafka Messages using AsyncAPI. You will also learn about Event-Driven Architecture, the pub/sub model, and brokers concerning Kafka.

Suppose you have a service publishing data to a Kafka topic whenever a new user signs up on your application.

You want to build a system that tracks users who have signed up for your application. As such, your application will have the following flow:

Background context

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a design pattern that revolves around the production, detection, and reaction to events over time. It consists of three main components: a message broker, event publishers, and subscribers, which together serve as the backbone for event exchange within different services.

Message brokers facilitate asynchronous communications between services, meaning the sending service doesn't have to wait for the receiving service's response. Multiple services can talk to each other directly, even if they are written in different languages.

A great example of such a message broker is Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform thousands of companies use for their event-driven system. Here, a distributed event streaming platform is a system that operates on multiple nodes, providing high availability and fault tolerance.

Publisher/Subscriber (Pub/Sub) is a typical model in EDAs, providing flexible coupling between publishers and subscribers. In this model, those who send event notifications act as publishers, while those who receive the notifications act as the corresponding subscribers.

Create AsyncAPI document for Kafka messages

In this section, you’ll create an AsyncAPI document to describe the UserSignUp API. The same document can be later used to generate code and documentation as per requirement.

Let's begin by analyzing the document. As you progress in the tutorial, we'll break down each segment, uncovering its purpose and functionality.

1asyncapi: 3.0.0
3  title: User Signup API
4  version: 1.0.0
5  description: The API notifies you whenever a new user signs up in the application.
8  centralKafkaServer:
9    host:
10    description: Kafka broker running in a central warehouse
11    protocol: kafka
12  westKafkaServer:
13    host:
14    description: Kafka broker running in the west warehouse
15    protocol: kafka
16  eastKafkaServer:
17    host:
18    description: Kafka broker running in the east warehouse
19    protocol: kafka
22  onUserSignedUp:
23    action: receive
24    channel:
25      $ref: '#/channels/userSignedUp'
28  userSignedUp:
29    description: This channel contains a message per each user who signs up in our application.
30    address: user_signedup
31    messages:
32      userSignedUp:
33        $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'
36  messages:
37    userSignedUp:
38      payload:
39        type: object
40        properties:
41          userId:
42            type: integer
43            description: This property describes the id of the user
44          userEmail:
45            type: string
46            description: This property describes the email of the user

Let's now break it down into pieces.

Define AsyncAPI version, API information, and server

First, you must describe your application, including the AsyncAPI version, the info about the document, and the server your application is based on.

1asyncapi: 3.0.0
3  title: User Signup API
4  version: 1.0.0
5  description: The API notifies you whenever a new user signs up in the application.
7  centralKafkaServer:
8    host:
9    description: Kafka broker running in a central warehouse
10    protocol: kafka
11  westKafkaServer:
12    host:
13    description: Kafka broker running in the west warehouse
14    protocol: kafka
15  eastKafkaServer:
16    host:
17    description: Kafka broker running in the east warehouse
18    protocol: kafka

In the above snippet:

  • The asyncapi field indicates that you use AsyncAPI version 3.0.0.

  • The info field provides information about the API. Here the the APIs title, version, and description are being defined.

  • The server field specifies the details of the server, including the host, description, and the protocol that is being used (i.e., Kafka). This section allows you to define multiple clusters or servers, as shown in the provided code block.


If an application has multiple servers hidden from the user behind a load balancer, then only the address of the load balancer must be included in the AsyncAPI document.

Define channels

Next, let's move on to the channels section. The channel addresses are the topics in Kafka; they are the routes to which your API will send/receive messages.

2  userSignedUp:
3    description: This channel contains a message per each user who signs up in our application.
4    address: user_signedup
5    messages:
6      userSignedUp:
7        $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'

In the above code snippet:

  • The userSignedUp object inside channels describes the Kafka topic where the application will receive the information and the associated message definition.
  • The address field represents the actual name of the Kafka topic and the messages field describes the expected messages in that topic.

Define operations

Now, let's move on to the operations section. The operations property is used to describe how your application interacts with the defined channels.

2  onUserSignedUp:
3    action: receive
4    channel:
5      $ref: '#/channels/userSignedUp'

In the above code snippet:

  • The onUserSignedUp object specifies the operation's nature, which occurs when the user signs up.
  • The action property indicates that the application will receive the information.
  • The channel property points to the channel where the operation occurs.

Define messages and schemas

Finally, you'll define the messages and their payload. The payload defines how the event would look like when it's sent from the channel.

2  messages:
3    userSignedUp:
4      payload:
5        type: object
6        properties:
7          userId:
8            type: integer
9            description: This property describes the ID of the user
10          userEmail:
11            type: string
12            description: This property describes the ID of the user

In the above code snippet:

  • The userSignedUp message is defined which describes the payload (content) of the message.

  • The payload property defines the message content. Your message payload should contain a userId, an integer, a userEmail property, and a string property.


The ability to generate an AsyncAPI document for Kafka is now in your toolkit. You generated an AsyncAPI document that defines the structure of the Kafka messages in a machine-readable format, which makes it easier to maintain event-driven architecture. Try adding your business logic and playing around with it.

Next steps

Now that you know how to write an AsyncAPI document for Kafka messages using the default schema, let's learn how to create an AsyncAPI document using Avro Schema instead.

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