Glee Installation Guide

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Preparing for Installation

Before starting with Glee, ensure that NPM, Node.js, and the AsyncAPI CLI are already set up on your system.

Need help installing AsyncAPI CLI? Check out the CLI Installation Guide.

Starting with Glee

Creating a new Glee application can be approached in three distinct ways:

Initialize with an AsyncAPI Document

If you already have an AsyncAPI specification file, you can jumpstart your project by using the -f or --file flag to specify the file path. The CLI will leverage this to set up your project.

asyncapi new glee -f asyncapi.yaml

This command generates all necessary files. Just open the project in your editor, and start integrating your authentication and business logic.

Start with a Template

For those without a custom AsyncAPI file and looking to experiment, starting with a template is an excellent choice. These are simple Glee projects that the AsyncAPI CLI can generate for you.

Use the -t or --template flag to specify the template name. Currently, two templates are available:

  1. default: Responds with a string upon receiving a string.
  2. tutorial: Designed for this tutorial.

To initiate a project with the default template:

asyncapi new glee -t default

After installation, follow these steps:

1Next steps:
3  cd project
4  npm install --ignore-scripts
5  npm run dev
7Feel free to open the project in your preferred editor and start customizing it.

Refer to our Getting Started guide for further assistance during customization.

Manual Installation

For a hands-on setup, start by creating a new directory, e.g., myapp, and structure it as follows:

1├─ functions          (required)
2  ├─ onHello.js
3  └─ ...
4├─ lifecycle          (optional)
5  ├─ onConnect.js
6  └─ ...
7├─ .env               (optional)
8├─ asyncapi.(yaml | yml | json)      (required)
9├─ glee.config.js     (optional)
10├─ package.json       (required)

Inside this new folder, initialize and install Glee:

1npm init -y
2npm install @asyncapi/glee

Edit your package.json to include the following scripts:

2  "scripts": {
3    "docs": "glee docs",
4    "dev": "glee dev",
5    "start": "glee start",
6  }

These scripts serve different development stages:

  • glee docs: Generates your project documentation.
  • glee dev: Starts a local development server, building your project in a development-friendly environment.
  • glee start: Launches your project for production use.

Setting up asyncapi.yaml and Required Directories

Craft an asyncapi.yaml file capable of receiving a "hello {name}" message via WebSocket (ws) protocol on the hello channel. Define the operation ID as onHello, indicating the function to be called, and set the payload type to string for publishing on that channel.

1# AsyncAPI Specification for Hello, Glee!
2asyncapi: 3.0.0
4  title: 'Hello, Glee!'
5  version: 1.0.0
7  websockets:
8    host:
9    protocol: ws
11  hello:
12    address: hello
13    messages:
14      hello:
15        $ref: '#/components/messages/hello'
17  onHello:
18    action: receive
19    channel:
20      $ref: '#/channels/hello'
21  SendHello:
22    action: send
23    channel: 
24      $ref: "#/channels/hello"
26  messages:
27    hello:
28      payload:
29        type: string

Create a function onHello.js in myapp/functions:

1export default async function (event) {  
2  return {
3    send: [{
4      server: "websockets",
5      channel: "hello",
6      payload: `Hello from Glee! You said: "${event.payload}".`
7    }]
8  }

Launching the Development Server

  • Execute npm run dev to start the server.
  • Connect to ws://localhost:3000/hello and send a WebSocket request like {"john"}.
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